INSSWA Regional Representative Job Description
Regional Representatives serve on the Membership Committee and are responsible for providing membership information to social workers in their region.
The following are the responsibilities of Regional Representatives:
- Provide continuing education and networking opportunities to members in their region. Each region is allotted $300 annually of INSSWA funds to be used toward regional membership meetings/workshops. More funding may be available through special requests. Representatives are responsible for creating a flyer about their regional meeting containing pertinent information such as time, place, number of CEUs, and expense to non-INSSWA members for CEUs. Flyer needs to be sent to the INSSWA president for approval before sending out to membership through the communications chair.
- Each Regional Representative will receive a packet from the Membership Coordinator containing the following information: guidelines for regional membership meetings, membership survey, speaker request form, regional meeting evaluation, regional meeting sign-in sheet, map of regions, and membership form
- After hosting a regional meeting, Regional Representatives send an article to the Membership Chair highlighting the meeting for possible posting on website
- Recruit new members in their assigned region
- Attend annual Membership Committee meeting held after the INSSWA Fall Conference
- Keep members updated on information for their region
- Serve as a contact for their region with any questions regarding INSSWA
- Maintain listserv of region for communication with regional members
If interested, please reach out to the INSSWA Membership Chair at