INSSWA Committees

Get Involved!

There are many committees you may participate in through the Indiana School Social Work Association. Participation will allow you an opportunity to get involved, lead, and contribute to our profession to strengthen the services that we provide to students, school social workers, schools, families, and communities.

Below are the committees and the chairperson(s) with their email contact.
We hope to hear from you soon!


This committee meets regularly throughout the year to discuss advocacy efforts at the district, state, and national level, as well as to create tools to support School Social Workers. Please contact or complete the Legislative Committee interest form if you are interested in joining.


Wylie Poling

This committee meets regularly throughout the year to work on creating content to share with members. Please contact if you are interested in joining.


Terry Miller

This committee is in charge of reviewing mini-grant applications received, twice per year, and making recommendations to the INSSWA board of directors as to funding of the proposals. Please contact if you are interested in joining.


Meaghan Chien

This committee meets regularly to plan our Fall, Spring, and Summer Conferences. Please contact if you are interested in joining.